Hidden Treasures!

by 10:46:00 PM 0 comments
One of the best things about working in a library is finding those hidden treasures on the shelf.  Today, one of the Children's staff stumbled across this great book for our 'Book of the Day.'   After a year here, I had not run across this book yet.  After reading it, I decided it was too good not share.

In Dreamtime Fairies  by Jane Simmons, Lucy's little brother has a hard time falling asleep.  Lucy comes to his rescue by taking him on a visit to where the Dreamtime Fairies live.  When they finally find the Dreamtime Fairies, magical things happen.  But, was it all just a dream?  That is for you to decide!

The pictures in this book are soft, relaxing, and just right for a bedtime story.  Click on the title above to reserve this sweet book for your little one's bedtime routine.

--Happy Readings,
       Candy, Children's Librarian

Mrs. Librarian


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