The Midnight Library by Kazuno Kohara

by 11:30:00 AM 0 comments
     The librarian in me was truly thrilled with this book.  The little librarian is so sweet.  Here is what the back of the book has to say:  In the Midnight Library, a little librarian helps all the  animals find the perfect book.  The library is always peaceful and quiet until one night when some squirrels, a wolf, and a tortoise stir up a little trouble.  Luckily, the little librarian knows just how to turn a little trouble into a lot of fun.
     I had a seven year old reader looking over my shoulder as I read this book and she pointed out how much she liked the pictures in this book so I thought I would share a few with you.  I agree with my young reader, they are so fun to look at.

--Happy Readings!
      Candy, Children's Librarian

Mrs. Librarian


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